GALPon anniversary, MiniNo new version

Fri, 02/11/2012 - 16:35 -- mbouzada

   Logotipo MiniNo

On 16 November 2002 the Pontevedra Linux Users Group, Grupo de Amigos Linux de Pontevedra «GALPon», was formed in Vigo, a city in the province of Pontevedra, in Galicia in North West Spain; its obective was:

To promote the use of GNU/Linux and Free Software in general, while offering a meeting point for all enthusiasts for this software.

Today, 10 years later, to commemorate that day, we are releasing the latest version of our 'distro' GALPon MiniNo v_2.0 aka Ártabros and we are launching this new website which we hope will be more user friendly than the earlier one based on DokuWiki, which we will keep running to enable continuing access to some tips that we picked up through it.

It is our hope that this latest version of GALPon MiniNo will be useful and we look forward to your continuing support and your suggestions for further enhancements.

The diffusion of Project GALPon Minino is part of the activities that the Assoc. GALPon developed under the collaboration agreement signed by the AGUSL with the Secretaría Xeral de Modernización e Innovación Tecnolóxica da Xunta de Galicia and included in the plan de acción FLOSS 2012 da Xunta de Galicia.

Miguel Anxo Bouzada

Chair of GALPon

New anniversary is celebrated

New anniversary is celebrated for the satisfaction of the citizens. The visitors of the have been subject to all new changes for the couple. The anniversary is handled quite well for the moments for the individuals.