Ártabros 2.1


This new version of MiniNo Ártabros 2.1 has two alternatives: "Full" and "Minimal".

"Full", with 851 MB, so you need to use a DVD or USB for installation.

It comes with all packages upgraded.
Abiword and Gnumeric are replaced by LibreOffice and Ayttm by Pidgin.
And the default desktop theme is reconfigured.

"Minimal", with 679 MB, so you can use a CD for installation.

It maintains all packages in 2.0 but updated.
It has a script to convert it to "Full". This script is in /home/minino/full-upgrader

To run this script, open a terminal and run it in any of three ways:

sudo bash full-upgrader LibO

(to install LibreOffice and remove Abiword and Gnumeric. Reconfigure desktop theme too because Orta Theme is not compatible with LibreOffice)

sudo bash full-upgrader Pidgin

(to install Pidgin and remove Ayttm)

sudo bash full-upgrader all

(to do the above two steps at once)

Once executed we can eliminate the script with:

sudo rm full-upgrader

Building a Custom ISO Image

Once you have the MiniNo Artabros 2.1 as you like, you can build a custom ISO image to install it in other PCs. You only have to run:

sudo makelive

and follow the indications.

Once it has finished you will find the ISO image in /home/remastersys/remastersys called minino.iso and its md5sum.

Upgrade from version 2.0

If you want to upgrade an existing installation of MiniNo Artabros 2.0, you can choose download one of these scripts:

http://minino.galpon.org/public/updates/update_minino_minimal.sh (for minimial alternative)


http://minino.galpon.org/public/updates/update_minino_full.sh (for full aternative)

and run it from a terminal

sudo bash Download/update_minino_minimal.sh


sudo bash Download/update_minino_full.sh

These scripts work with apt directives '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold"' so it doesn't affect any configuration we already have done.